강의 컨설팅 트레이닝 무료진단 무료책자 마케팅편지 마케팅정보공유 다이어리 서비스제휴 고객센터

창의력을 높이는 10가지 방법 (10 Steps for Boosting Creativity)
작성자 : 99 단국강토
등록날짜 : 2009.01.19 10:03

창의력을 높이는 10가지 방법 (10 Steps for Boosting Creativity)

1. 세바스찬 바하의 음악을 들어라. Listen to music by Johann Sebastian Bach.

If Bach doesn't make you more creative, you should probably see your doctor - or your brain surgeon

if you are also troubled by headaches, hallucinations or strange urges in the middle of the night.

2. 브레인스토밍을 활용하라. Brainstorm.

If properly carried out, brainstorming can help you not onl y come up with sacks full of new ideas,

but can help you decide which is best.

3. 항상 필기도구와 조그마한 노트북(일종의 아이디어 수첩)을 갖고 다녀라.

   Always carry a small notebook and a pen or pencil around with you.

That way, if you are struck by an idea, you can quickly note it down.

Upon rereading your notes, you may discover about 90% of your ideas are daft.

Don't worry, that's normal.

What's important are the 10% that are brilliant.

4. 어떤 아이디어에 고착될 경우, 사전을 펼쳐 단어 하나를 무작위로 선택하고 

이 단어를 결합하여 아이디어를 체계화하라.

 If you're stuck for an idea, open a dictionary, randomly select a word and

then try to formulate ideas incorporating this word.

You'd be surprised how well this works. The concept is based on a simple but little known truth

: freedom inhibits creativity. There are nothing like restrictions to get you thinking.

5. 문제점을 정의하라. Define your problem.

Grab a sheet of paper, electronic notebook, computer or whatever you use to make notes,

and define your problem in detail. You'll probably find ideas positively spewing out onc e you've done this.

6. 생각이 제대로 되지 않으면 산책을 하라. If you can't think, go for a walk.

A change of atmosphere is good for you and gentle exercise helps shake up the brain cells.

7. TV를 시청하지 말라. Don't watch TV.

Experiments performed by the JPB Creative Laboratory show that watching TV causes your brain to slowly trickle out your ears and/or nose. It's not pretty, but it happens.

8. 약에 의존하지 말라. Don't do drugs.

People on drugs think they are creative. To everyone else, they seem like people on drugs.

9. 가능한 한 모든 것을 다독하라. Read as much as you can about everything possible.

Books exercise your brain, provide inspiration and fill you with information that allows you to make

creative connections easily.

10. 두뇌를 사용하라. Exercise your brain.

Brains, like bodies, need exercise to keep fit. If you don't exercise your brain,

it will get flabby and useless. Exercise your brain by reading a lot (see above),

talking to clever people and disagreeing with people - arguing can be a terrific way to give your brain

cells a workout. But note, arguing about politics or film directors is good for you; bickering over

who should clean the dishes is not.


by Jeffrey Baumgartner

블로그·페이스북·이메일 등의 각종 마케팅 글쓰기,
각종 광고, 영업, 판매, 제안서, 전단지
반응율 3배×10배 이상 높이는 마법의 8단계 공식"


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